Create powerful dashboards with Spotfire

Are you tired of graphing data with static Excel spreadsheets that require constant updating? Have you heard about Spotfire or seen it in action but don't know where to start? Are you looking for something faster than teaching yourself through trial and error? If you can relate to any of these questions, Visualizing Data with Spotfire is exactly what you're looking for. This course walks you through the software with step-by-step instructions. Follow along with the videos using the included Spotfire training templates, and reach out whenever you have questions.

Spotfire is a powerful data visualization and analytics software that can be used for all types of data analysis  It transforms your raw data into powerful, interactive, user friendly dashboards and analytic tools - but only if you know how to use it.

Enroll in this course today and take advantage of Spotfire's interactive, user-friendly features to quickly create powerful, descriptive visualizations!

Intro to the Course

Watch this video

This course is split into 4 main modules, which are sub-divided into relevant topics. Check out this video for a quick rundown of each module.

Module 1 - Spotfire Overview and Introduction
Module 2 - Adding Data
Module 3 - Visualizing Data
Module 4 - Customizing Visualizations

What you'll learn

After completing this training, you'll be able to:

>> Navigate Spotfire and find key settings
>> Add data from many different sources
>> Build impressive dashboards with Spotfire's most popular visualizations
>> Customize graphs and pages to look exactly the way you want
>> Save time - reduce the learning curve by knowing the best way to do things
>> Present data most effectively using the scientific principles of data visualization
>> Make your Spotfire visualizations stand out from the rest
>> Find the best chart for each type of analysis
>> Understand Spotfire best practices
>> Advance your career
>> Impress your boss and colleagues
>> Access an expert - ask questions when you need help

Less time building, More time analyzing

The time you invest in this course now will pay dividends over time. Once you learn the correct way to use Spotfire, and start practicing with these hands-on examples, the settings and configuration options will quickly become second-nature. Spend less time trying to learn by trial and error so you can focus on what really matters: analyzing data to add value to your organization.

Get more done in a day. Once you get the hang of it, Spotfire is multiple times faster, and far less error prone, than using Excel or other common visualization tools.

Make yourself more valuable

Data is everywhere these days. Companies are relying more and more on data for decision making, and every role in the organization is expected to use data in one way or another. Knowing how to use Spotfire will make you more valuable to your organization, will be a great addition to your resume, and could open up career opportunities.

The power of sight

Of the 5 amazing senses that humans have, sight is the most powerful. This is because the majority of our senses reside in our eyes, and there's an incredibly fast connection between our eyes and the visual cortex in our brains. This allows humans to interpret visual images so quickly that we often understand what we're looking at without even thinking about it. We can instantly recognize differences in form, such as size, length, shape, color, spatial position, and motion.

This course teaches you how to properly use and take advantage of these attributes when building different visualizations in Spotfire.

Seeing is believing

Our eyes and brains are so closely wired that we often don't distinguish between the two. Consider this: have you ever heard someone explain something, and then responded with "I see". What you really mean is "I understand", but sight and understanding are so closely related that we use "seeing" and "understanding" synonymously.

Check out this video from Module 3 for more on these scientific principles of data visualization, which are also covered in greater detail throughout this course.

Faster decision making

Visualizing data is more than just adding some graphs to a page. Presenting data poorly causes confusion and false conclusions. However, effective data visualization allows us to quickly interpret the data and make decisions faster. Your goal for any visualization should be to present the data in a way that's easy to understand and fast to analyze, using proven visual analysis methods shown described in this course.



  • 1

    Course Intro, Overview & Starting Files

  • 2

    M1. Introduction to Spotfire

    • 1. Module 1 Intro & Spotfire Overview

    • 2.1. Spotfire Layout >> Introduction

    • 2.2. Spotfire Layout >> File Menu

    • 2.3. Spotfire Layout >> Edit Menu

    • 2.4. Spotfire Layout >> View Menu

    • 2.5. Spotfire Layout >> Insert Menu

    • 2.6. Spotfire Layout >> Tools Menu

    • 2.7. Spotfire Layout >> Help Menu

    • 2.8. Spotfire Layout >> Quick Access Icons

    • 2.9. Spotfire Layout >> The Visualization Area

    • 2.10. Spotfire Layout >> Panels

    • 2.11. Spotfire Layout >> Page Navigation

    • 3. Intro to Spotfire Visualizations

    • 4. Saving Spotfire Files

    • 5. Training Data Overview

  • 3

    M2. Adding Data

    • 1. Module 2 Intro

    • 2.1. Add Data from File >> Excel

    • 2.2. Add Data from File >> CSV

    • 2.3. Add Data from File >> Text File

    • 3.1. Add Data from Database >> Intro to Databases

    • 3.2. Add Data from Database >> Microsoft Access

    • 3.3. Add Data from Database >> SQL Server

    • 3.4. Add Data from Database >> Existing Database Connection

    • 4. Recommendations vs Default Visualization

    • 5.1. Data Properties >> Data Table Properties

    • 5.2. Data Properties >> Data Connection Properties

    • 5.3. Data Properties >> Column Properties

    • 6. Replace an Existing Data Table

    • 7. Export Data to File

  • 4

    M3. Visualizing Data: Principles of Data Visualization

    • 1. Module 3 Introduction

    • 2. Intro to Data Visualization

    • 3. Data Analysis

    • 4. Data Visualization

    • 5.1. Visual Analysis Methods >> Overview

    • 5.2. Visual Analysis Methods >> Time Series Analysis

    • 5.3. Visual Analysis Methods >> Part-to-Whole & Ranking Analysis

    • 5.4. Visual Analysis Methods >> Deviation Analysis

    • 5.5. Visual Analysis Methods >> Distribution Analysis

    • 5.6. Visual Analysis Methods >> Correlation Analysis

  • 5

    M3. Visualizing Data: Table Visualization

    • 1. Intro to Tables

    • 2. Data Viz Principles

    • 3. Add & Configure Tables

    • 4. Add, Remove & Rearrange Columns

    • 5. Freeze Columns & Adjust Height

    • 6. Column Sorting

    • 7.1. Conditional Coloring >> Numerical Gradient

    • 7.2. Conditional Coloring >> Categorical Mode

    • 7.3. Conditional Coloring >> Color Scheme Grouping & Fixed Rules

  • 6

    M3. Visualizing Data: Line Chart

    • 1. Intro to Line Charts

    • 2. Data Viz Principles

    • 3.1. Single Series >> Add & Configure Line Chart

    • 3.2. Single Series >> Change Line Color

    • 3.3. Single Series >> Line Appearance

    • 3.4. Single Series >> Trellis Panels

    • 3.5. Single Series >> Remove Line Markers

    • 3.6. Single Series >> Color by a Category

    • 3.7. Single Series >> Color by a Date

    • 3.8. Single Series >> Line By Settings

    • 4.1. Multiple Series >> Copy and Paste Chart

    • 4.2. Multiple Series >> Add Multiple Series

    • 4.3. Multiple Series >> Multiple Y-Axis Scales

    • 4.4. Multiple Series >> Set Scale Ranges

    • 4.5. Multiple Series >> Trellis by Column Names

    • 4.6. Multiple Series >> Multiple Scales per Trellis Panel

    • 4.7. Multiple Series >> Adjust Scales Simultaneously

    • 4.8. Multiple Series >> Change Colors through Chart Properties

  • 7

    M3. Visualizing Data: Bar Chart

    • 1. Intro to Bar Charts

    • 2. Data Viz Principles

    • 3.1. Bar Charts for Comparison >> Add & Configure Bar Chart

    • 3.2. Bar Charts for Comparison >> Stacked Bars

    • 3.3. Bar Charts for Comparison >> Sort Bars by Value

    • 3.4. Bar Charts for Comparison >> Side by Side Bars

    • 3.5. Bar Charts for Comparison >> Color with a Gradient

    • 3.6. Bar Charts for Comparison >> Horizontal Bars

    • 4.1. Bar Charts as Histograms >> Add & Configure a Histogram

    • 4.2. Bar Charts as Histograms >> Increasing Detail with Bins

    • 4.3. Bar Charts as Histograms >> Coloring a Histogram

    • 5.1. Bar Charts for Time Series >> Add & Configure Bar Chart

    • 5.2. Bar Charts for Time Series >> Configure Multiple Axes

    • 5.3. Bar Charts for Time Series >> Bar Charts Trellis Panels

  • 8

    M3. Visualizing Data: Box Plot

    • 1. Intro to Box Plots

    • 2. Data Viz Principles

    • 3. Explanation of a Box Plot

    • 4. Comparison to a Histogram

    • 5. Add & Configure Box Plot

    • 6. Reference Points

    • 7. Appearance Settings

    • 8. Statistics Table Settings

    • 9. Show Distribution

  • 9

    M3. Visualizing Data: Combination Chart

    • 1. Intro to Combination Charts

    • 2. Data Viz Principles

    • 3. Add & Configure Combination Chart

    • 4. Color & Change Series

  • 10

    M3. Visualizing Data: Pie Chart

    • 1. Intro to Pie Charts

    • 2. Data Viz Principles

    • 3. Add & Configure Pie Chart Ex. 1

    • 4. Label Settings

    • 5. Add & Configure Pie Chart Ex. 2

    • 6. Custom Axis Expression

    • 7. Trellis Panels

    • 8. Adjust Pie Size

    • 9. Pie Charts vs Bar Charts

  • 11

    M3. Visualizing Data: Scatter Plot

    • 1. Intro to Scatter Plots

    • 2. Data Viz Principles

    • 3. Add & Configure Scatter Plot

    • 4. Configure Marker Size

    • 5. Configure Marker Color

    • 6. Add Best Fit Line

    • 7. Configure Marker Shape

    • 8. Color with a Gradient

    • 9. Color with Segments

  • 12

    M3. Visualizing Data: Map Chart

    • 1. Intro to Map Charts

    • 2. Data Viz Principles

    • 3. Add & Navigate Map Charts

    • 4. Map Layer

    • 5.1. Marker Layer >> Add & Configure Marker Layer

    • 5.2. Marker Layer >> Marker Size Ex. 1

    • 5.3. Marker Layer >> Marker Color

    • 5.4. Marker Layer >> Marker Size Ex. 2

    • 5.5. Marker Layer >> Marker Shape

    • 5.6. Marker Layer >> Drawing Order

    • 5.7. Marker Layer >> Coordinate Reference Systems

    • 5.8. Marker Layer >> Rename a Map Layer

    • 6.1. Feature Layer >> Intro to Feature Layers

    • 6.2. Feature Layer >> Add & Configure Feature Layer

    • 6.3. Feature Layer >> Appearance Properties

    • 6.4. Feature Layer >> Change Polygon Colors

    • 6.5. Feature Layer >> Polygon Labels

    • 7.1. Map Properties >> Layer Order & Visibility

    • 7.2. Map Properties >> Interactive layer, Selecting, & Panning

    • 8.1. WMS Layer >> Intro & Public WMS Sources

    • 8.2. WMS layer >> Add & Configure WMS Layer

  • 13

    M3. Visualizing Data: Cross Table

    • 1. Intro to Cross Tables

    • 2. Data Viz Principles

    • 3.1. Single Column Axes >> Add & Configure Cross Table

    • 3.2. Single Column Axes >> Column Width & Sorting

    • 3.3. Single Column Axes >> Calculating Totals

    • 3.4. Single Column Axes >> Conditional Coloring

    • 4. Multi Column Axes

  • 14

    M4. Customizing Visualizations: Viz Features

    • 1. Module 4 Intro

    • 2. Intro to Visualization Features

    • 3. Viz Titles

    • 4. Viz Description

    • 5. Remove Viz Title

    • 6. Axis Selectors

    • 7. Customize the Legend

    • 8. Remove the Legend

    • 9. Zoom Sliders

  • 15

    M4. Customizing Visualizations: Axis Options

    • 1. Intro to Axis Options

    • 2. Add Gridlines

    • 3.1. Scale Labels >> Orientation

    • 3.2. Scale Labels >> Custom Display Names

    • 3.3. Scale Labels >> Formatting through Chart Properties

    • 3.4. Scale Labels >> Formatting through Column Properties

  • 16

    M4. Customizing Visualizations: Appearance Settings

    • 1. Intro to Appearance Settings

    • 2.1. Specific Settings >> Line Chart

    • 2.2. Specific Settings >> Bar Chart

    • 2.3. Specific Settings >> Scatter Plot

    • 2.4. Specific Settings >> Map Chart Layer Visibility

    • 2.5. Specific Settings >> Map Chart Zoom Visibility

    • 3.1. Lines & Curves >> Straight Line Fit

    • 3.2. Lines & Curves >> Target / Benchmark Line

    • 3.3. Lines & Curves >> Calculated Line

    • 4.1. Colors >> Via Legend or Chart Properties

    • 4.2. Colors >> Color with Gradient

    • 4.3. Colors >> Copy Color Scheme

    • 5.1. Tooltips >> Add & Configure Tooltips

    • 5.2. Tooltips >> Remove Tooltip Values

    • 5.3. Tooltips >> Add Custom Tooltip Values

    • 6.1. Labels >> Add & Configure Labels

    • 6.2. Labels >> Bar Chart Labels

    • 7. Font Customization

  • 17

    M4. Customizing Visualizations: Document Visual Color Schemes

    • 1. Intro to Document Color Schemes

    • 2. Dark & Light Schemes

    • 3. Font Settings

    • 4. Active Page Tab Color

    • 5. Distance between Visualizations

    • 6. Background & Border Colors

    • 7. Customize Visualization Titles

    • 8. Scale Line Color

    • 9. Map Color Schemes

    • 10. Summary

  • 18

    M4. Customizing Visualizations: Additional Options

    • 1. Intro to Additional Options

    • 2.1 Show / Hide Items >> Show Top 10 Values

    • 2.2. Show / Hide Items >> Hide Items

    • 3. Visualization Size & Arrangement

    • 4.1 Filtering Data >> Intro to Filtering

    • 4.2. Filtering Data >> Filtering from the Data Panel

    • 4.3. Filtering Data >> Filtering with Multiple Criteria

    • 4.4. Filtering Data >> Resetting Filters

  • 19

    Training Summary

    • Training Summary & Thank You

    • Don't forget to rate this course!

About Your Instructor

Spotfire Pro

Kyle LaMotta

Kyle LaMotta has 9 years of oil & gas engineering experience, including 7 years with a large oil and gas company and 2 years starting and running his own business. He specializes in industry-specific Spotfire training and consulting. Kyle has a BS in Mechanical Engineering and an MBA.

What's Included

Include a list of items to support the central theme of your page. Bulleted lists are a great way to parse information into digestible pieces.

  • Instant access to all content

  • 24/7 access

  • Spotfire templates for each section

  • Email support

  • Sample datasets

  • 7 day money back guarantee

What others have said

Data Analyst

The training was excellent, money well spent.

Engineering Tech

The training was a HUGE help. Kyle did a good job!

Production Engineer

The data is perfect. Having industry specific data made a huge difference.


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